HCDS E-News #4 Freestanding Screen System

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Brisbane City Hall

in collaboration with TKD Architects - Tanner Kibble Denton

Designed in collaboration with TKD Architects, HCDS is proud to announce our newest product – Freestanding HCDS decorative screens.

When HCDS was asked to manufacture the screens for the conference room in Brisbane City Hall, at first it was planned to be fixed onto the floor. This soon changed when the team realised that the timber floor was too shallow for the screens to be fixed to the floor. TKD Architects and HCDS worked together to develop an amazing product - Freestanding HCDS decorative screens.

As no fixings are required, these double skinned decorative screens can be rearranged to specifically cater for a variety of function, perfect for clubs and public spaces.
The Freestanding HCDS decorative screens are made to the specified size, pattern and colour.

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Unit 21, 28 Vore street, Silverwater NSW 2118

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